Wannabe looking for sage advice from those who have their finger on the pulse of the off-shore market:
Hello to all out there. My name is Mike and I am new to the site and am looking at enrolling in a commercial program offered by a school here in British Columbia where I live. I am in very good physical condition, have about 700hrs underwater with most being solo and technical oriented, but in recreational diving. (Having said that, I realise that the dive is only the trip to work….Point being that I am comfortable in all cold water and viz environments)
I have 20 yrs in various construction fields (non industrial), as well as several in business ownership and management. I am also an early-retired member of the RCMP. My age is 44 approaching 45. Some may say I am a workaholic. More likely is that I like the adventure of a challenge and learning new things.
I have been interested in comm. diving from a teen but had no mentoring available to me at the time. Now I am looking for an additional career which is new, challenging and where I am able to contribute with my acquired hands on work and mental skills but in a new environment. .I am aware that tablesaws, nails and plywood are not typically used underwater but I hear that chainsaws, wrenches and dredges are! Being away for weeks or months at a time does not pose a problem nor does seasonal work or slow downs in the industry as I am fully tooled for all aspects of the residential construction market and therefore have an established and proven “Plan B” as well as a “Plan C”.
Would any of you be generous enough to provide some advice for someone who is very self confident but not egotistical, has many years of hands on construction, management, troubleshooting experience, successful problem solving skills, works extremely well under pressure and still has a passion for challenges. As well as learning new things, doing what is required regardless of… Is a very optimistic 44 year old, fully aware of the food chain and respects the value of experience. By the way I don’t smoke and am a modest drinker (boring I know, but I have a healthy sense of humour!)
My questions would include:
Is my age a detriment?
The realities of working offshore, including that of pay.
Does any of my aforementioned experience help me in any way?
While I realise that this is a brief snapshot of me, any feedback would be helpful. Thanks in advance and it has been a trip reading through this forum.

Mike Lasko

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Best bet Mike would be for you to work onshore.

I work in Asia for over 20 years and a lot of the jobs over here you have to have 2 years offshore experience to get on a job.
We just had a job in Indonesia, and we had to hire all Indonesians, So it is getting harder to work over here unless you are a 3.1U. 3.2u inspection ticket or DMT (Dive Medical Technician).Had other jobs in Malaysia and had to hire Malays.

What ever you decide good luck.


Dear Mike, if you really want you can. I was 44 when I have started the commercial diver course. I was physically and mentally stronger than my 20 years old workmates. I was the second classified on 20 commercial diver students , the first was a French of 40 years old....So you can have an opportunity more for your choice. The problems could arrive after the diving school because the global crisis we are living,but offshore apart, you could have a lot of opportunities in inland/inshore works such as :ports,lakes,rivers,breeding farms etc...
About your experience in recreational diving, it could be useful according to the course,because you already know the rules and the way "to stay into the water". Consider that,during the course there are people that seeing the water for the first time......
Good luck for your future decision.

P.S. I hope to be clearly in the explaining,English is not my native language.
Thanks for the input Alan and Alberto. Alberto, your english is as good or better than a lot of native speakers!


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