I am looking for some more info about INPP. I am taking the sat course and thinking of INPP. So I would like to hear about your ups and downs from that school.

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INPP is a great school when it comes to price/value for money.
They are well organised and IMCA Diver Medic course and ALST exam
is encluded together with full board accomodation.
The sat system is well maintained and supervisor/LST are great,

Certainly there is one negative thing everybody knows about
who ever did a sat course there, details about this you have to contact
me in private.

very good
INPP or other course are pretty the same. Your are just buying a sat ticket. But at the INPP you have for the same price the DMT, and ALST course. Every body have it because you buy it. The most important think is to have a company to hire you as a sat diver. When I did my course I was the only french and pretty much the only one to work for the oil and gas industry only. Since then I did a lot of gas top supply but no sat. The sat demand right now is decresing so be carfull about your money.

very bad course


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