Whats goin on with the job page its not opening.

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Ace, there is work out there ya just gotta get off the bar stool to find it.
and get a big tube of preparation H for those long hours of sitting on your ass lol

Hi Guys,

Have just stumbled upon this site, this minute. It is interesting to see the bubble-blowers sitting quiet?

I've been doing ROV since 2002 and it is always up and down. In fact more down than up. I've only worked 11 weeks in about 14 months and I'm thinking about getting back into diving but first have to move the family as we lost the house etc.

So, it seems no work in ROV or Diving? Perhaps Politics?

Chin-up and I hope it gets busy soon.

Hi all,

I'm new - a diver in training.  Currently a student at Diving Dynamics in Kelowna, BC, Canada. 

We've been assigned the task of researching what companies are doing what, and who's hiring who. 

I've been searching every commercial diving site I can find, and so far haven't come up with much...

I know the jobs link on this site is empty, other sites aren't showing much of anything current, and underwaterindustry.com had only one posting in all categories for all locations.

Hope this can be of help to someone out there.



Job details

Job Title: Saturation Divers/Bell Diving Supervisors, LSS/LST and ALST
Job Reference: Sat Diver and Support Staff
Job Category: Diver - Gas Offshore
Job description: Dominion Diving Limited, Canada’s largest Diving, ROV and Marine Service Company is currently seeking experienced Canadian personnel for the following positions:

• Saturation Divers, Bell Diving Supervisors, Life Support Supervisor (LSS), Life Support Technician (LST), Assistant Life Support Technician (ALST)


• DCBC Bell Diver/Closed Bell Supervisor/LSS/LST/ALST Certification, Valid Medical, BST with HEUT and HUEBA, First Aid (current in last 2 years), CPR (current in last 1 year), WHMIS

The work is construction based, flow line tie-ins for the Deep Panuke Project. This job is expected to commence between June 12 – July 12, 2011 and the project duration is approximately 90 days, location being offshore Nova Scotia. Standard North Sea rates apply. Resumes along with required certification may be submitted by one of the following methods:

Dominion Diving Limited
7 Canal Street
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, B2Y 2W1
Ya the jobs are out there but no one realy wants to go to the gulf.  Im a diver out of CA and I travel the USA freelanceing but it is realy slow right now My wife realy does not want me to go back down to the gulf for work.

Scott this is a tough profession and traveling all over hell and back is not for the weak in spirit (not saying you are). Maybe I can share a few words that will help you out here. When I have had simular thoughts I just have to ask myself "Ace do you want to be a diver or some kind of a housekeeper" My answer is "Diver" with that then my task is to take my balls back out of my wifes purse and place them back where they were intended to be hanging and go get a job diving some where ever in the World a seemling good job comes appears. I hope this helps you refocus. Good luck Scott.

Aw ! To dive or not to dive thats the question. I love being a lifetime career diver!      

Well that's what happens when you let your wife play with the beans and not the frank


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